Streamline Your Training Costs with Streaming Media

Streaming Media…now a well accepted Internet technology. Yet streaming is still not being widely utilized by members of corporate training staffs. Why is this? I would venture to guess that lack of direct experience,Streamline Your Training Costs with Streaming Media Articles hesitation to try new methods, and fears about costly “TV type stuff” have all contributed to make streaming seem like something too difficult to attempt successfully.

Granted, streaming media still has its limitations especially in the area of delivering full- screen, full-quality video. But most of the big players on the Internet, even those in head-to-head competition for the fast-growing streaming audience, agree that as bandwidth continues to improve, streaming provides a value added service to the Web. Live and on-demand streaming has definitely arrived on the Internet and on corporate intranets as part of a multimedia mix for all kinds of applications including sales, marketing, and training. (I think that the entertainment value need not be disputed.)

Streaming is economical and extremely affordable. Once the training production has been completed, there is no need for expensive tape, or CD-ROM, duplication and shipping charges. The stream is available 24 hours a day without human intervention and can remain on the company site for an indeterminate time. Streams can also be archived 애순이 streaming at for easy access by new employees, customers and visitors. The cost of hosting and archiving these streams is minuscule compared with the costs associated with tape duplication, storage, mailing, and the personnel required to perform these tasks

What is streaming exactly? Streaming promises quick access to meaningful content without the aggravating wait for files to download. Downloading requires that files be sent to the user’s PC in their entirety before they can be played; MP3 is a perfect example of this. The files then remain on the user’s machine until they are deleted. Streaming continuously sends these same files, which have already been digitized, to the user’s PC while the user is listening or watching. When the stream is ended, no data is left behind on the user’s machine. Streams can also be password protected for additional security.

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